Hey there...it's Episode 2 of The Celebration of Life Through Sports Blogcast! Thank you SOOOO much for your response yesterday via twitter @steinshow and The David Stein Show Facebook Page! I heard from Too Tall, Jaqueline from Arizona and many more friends of the show. Please retweet and get the word out that COLTS is back!
Today I talk about some ordinary men who did an extraordinary thing. I would love to hear your responses to the question I ask at the end of the monologue. Post it here or on FB or tweet me @steinshow.
BTW...I had some help today. I don't know why, but I had the feeling that I was being watched while recording this.
Anyhoodles...here's the link to today's Celebration of Life Through Sports Blogcast:
Celebration of Life Through Sports Blogcast Episode 2 Ordinary Men
David, always a miracle to me the talent you were given and the choice you made by taking a good chance to make a change:) you are missed.